How to Find (and Keep) Amazing Direct Support Professionals

DSP Magnet®

DSP Magnet® training teaches how to attract and retain more amazing DSPs without blowing the budget on Indeed only to keep getting poor applicants that schedule interviews but don't show up.

Escape the vicious “DSP Hamster Wheel®” cycle of hoping to Find, Getting ghosted, and Keep losing staff with our training on:

  • Recruiting Magnet: Attracting people who have the mindset of great DSPs (includes our Anti-ghosting System)
  • Retention Magnet: Reduce turnover with retention programs that start from Day One and get new hires through the first six months
  • Culture Magnet: Creating a culture that provides long-term retention and turns your staff into ambassadors for your program and makes other people want to work there or support you

DSP Magnet and DSP Hamster Wheel are listed as registered trademarks with the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office. All rights are reserved

How do we do that?

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We’ll quickly increase your online job applications by:

  • Improving your online DSP job postings to attract better applicants
  • Saving you money by avoiding costly recruiting mistakes
  • Developing your ideal DSP profile to motivate the right people to apply
  • Install an Anti-Ghosting system, improve online job applications, effective referral programs, and more


Great recruiting does not matter if your turnover is 45% or higher, so we’ll help by:

  • Starting with low or no cost methods to build retention into your onboarding and training
  • Helping your team make small changes that produce great results
  • Ways to support new hires, help them succeed, and become long-term members of your team
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DSPs often feel isolated and unappreciated, but these can be helped by improving the culture of the organization with:

  • Addressing the isolation through easy and effective engagement options
  • Personalizing ways you recognize your valued DSPs
  • Programs to foster a genuine feeling of community despite different locations

"I love your passion and believe you are spot-on with your recruiting and retention help. I am happy that you have committed your time, energy, and remarkable talents to supporting I/DD providers."

–Jeff Davis, Director, Ohio Dept. of Developmental Disabilities

Heart, Hope & Honesty

Heart, Hope & Honesty

Limited First Edition

This book serves as a practical and positive guide that shows you how to get off the DSP Hamster Wheel of Recruiting, Hiring, & Turnover. “Heart, Hope & Honesty” doesn’t reference abstract studies or bore you with statistics. It features inspiring stories, highlights real results from your peers, and offers step-by-step actions you can take immediately. Pre-order now for:

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